HVAC-R & Insulation

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC-R) accounts for roughly 40% of commercial building energy consumption worldwide. Ever-increasing energy costs, limited resources, and restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase strong global demand for higher-efficiency HVAC-R systems.

insulation inspection

Insulation degradation and refrigerant leakage can lead to significant increase (in some cases up to 300%) in energy consumption. Matergenics offers detailed inspection services and knowledge-based solutions for critical issues such as insulation performance, refrigerant leakage, under-charge systems, and thermal bridges. Matergenics offers:


  • Comprehensive and knowledge-based inspection
  • Auditing of HVAC-R COP (coefficient of performance), leakage test
  • Assessment of insulation systems (degradation, R-value, and U-value)
  • Detailed information on building/system energy efficiency, thermal bridge
  • In-depth computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA)
  • Air conditioning/refrigeration systems COP modeling and on-site testingHCAV-inspection
  • Standard building energy simulation
  • Design efficient customized engineering solutions for particular applications


Our engineers conduct thorough inspection of residential/commercial buildings, hospitals, greenhouses, reefer trucks, and freezer rooms to provide detailed practical solutions to lower greenhouse gas emissions, operating and maintenance costs.
