Corrosion & Failure

We at Matergenics apply corrosion engineering principles and physical resources in order to design and implement materials, structures, devices, systems and procedures to manage corrosion activities. Corrosion engineering also relates to non-metallics including ceramics. We also evaluate other not-strictly-corrosion processes including (but not restricted to) cracking, brittle fracture, crazing, fretting, erosion and more.

  • Cathodic protection: Design, installation and monitoring
  • Materials and protective coating selection and specifications
  • Corrosion engineering specification requirements
  • Inspection


Corrosion Monitoring, Failure Analysis and Corrosion Sensing:

corrosion-failureMatergenics offers above-ground and underground corrosion risk assessment of underground facilities. We collect and analyze corrosion data from sensors or on-site CP equipment, which automatically passes the data to the remote access data center. The information can be converted into alert messages, indicating changes of conditions at the site, along with regularly scheduled measurement data for archiving system wide CP system performance. As a result, users may access historical corrosion information and view graphical displays of corrosion activity.

  • Sensing: Identifying issues
  • Monitoring parameters in real-time
  • Analyzing: Rate / Impact
  • Mitigation: Cost effective resolution
  • Wireless internet on-line monitoring


During the years through experience we have gained insightful knowledge about operative corrosion mechanisms and corrosion control equipment. We can assist clients in design, application of cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring systems for specific applications that fits budget requirements.